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NEWS: Read the 2020 Annual Report

2020 Annual Report.

Each year, Sixty and Better issues an Annual Report to highlight the organization's major accomplishments, inspire supporters about our mission, build trust through transparency, and thank our generous donors for their support.


In 2020, COVID-19 presented many challenges for our agency as we traditionally work to get older adults out of their homes and connected with others within their communities.


With no end of social distancing or group-restriction orders in sight, Sixty and Better made the difficult decision to discontinue our meal program in September. During the last six months of the program, Sixty and Better quickly pivoted to make weekly companionship phone calls and served members with bi-weekly home deliveries of frozen and shelf-stable meals. In addition, we distributed engagement activities such as activity books, useful household and toiletry items, and protective face masks.


We cherish the five decades of serving older adults through our meal program, working alongside county, city, and community leaders and with volunteers. While the meal program has ended, we look forward to continue to serve older adults through expanded Health and Wellness programs, offered over the phone and online.


Read more about our 2020 accomplishments here.

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